Grodno Online

This site's purpose is to make available specific documents or articles concerning the History of the Jewish Community in the city of Grodno, Belarus and it's fate during the Holocaust. The city of Grodno was part of Poland until 1939.

Lost Jewish Worlds:
The Communities of Grodno, Lida, Olkieniki, Vishay

Book published by Yad Vashem.
Documents Concerning
The Murder of 29000 Jews of Grodno
By the Germans, 1941-1943

And Deportations to Death Camps

Cologne and Bielefield Trials

English translation of excerpts from 5 out of 6 volumes of documents published by the Beata Klarsfeld Foundation

Verdicts of two German courts of trials against two Gestapo officers that describe murder acts and the liquidation of the Grodno Ghettos.

For more information, we have included a list of Libraries and Institutions where the six volumes of documents are available. See also Volume VI
List of survivors of WW II compiled in 1946 by the Grodner Association of Israel , Hebrew, indicates location page 1 page 2 page 3

List of survivors of WW II compiled in 1948 and 2002 by J. Menes and J. Starowolski, English

List of partisans by Bet Lohamey Hagetaot (Hebrew and English)
Select "Grodno" for the "city of birth" and click "Search" at the bottom.

Site "Jews Rescue Jews" (Hebrew)

List of contributors to the Jewish community in 1937

Index of Names Appearing in the Grodno Yizkor Book

Yad Va-Shem news - Attempts to escape from Ghetto (Christians risking their life by saving Jews)

Parpera'ot - diary by Moshe Alperstein (PDF in Hebrew)

Chronology of the liquidation of the Jews of Grodno (PDF in Russian)

Link to the documentary film about Felix Zandman

Links: JewishGen
             Silent Voices Speak
             Yad Vashem
             US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Grodno Gubernia Resources
Grodno Genealogy Group
Grodno Yizkor Book - Photographs
Grodno Photographs     

Jewish partisans from Grodno:
             Chasia Bornstein-Bielicki (German) , Youtube video (English)
             Bela Bornstein-Hirszhorn
             Liza Czapnik
             Bronia Klibanski-Winicki
             Leib Reizer

             List of partisans (by Bet Lohamey Hagetaot, Hebrew)
             List of partisans by Bet Lohamey Hagetaot (Hebrew and English)
             Select "Grodno" for the "city of birth" and click "Search" at the bottom.
             Site "Jews Rescue Jews"
             GrodnoOblast Archives

Compiled by Dr. F. Zandman*, J. Szwarc and A. May

*Dr. Zandman entry in Wikipedia
*Dr. Zandman memorial

Updated: July - 2016 (updates marked by yellow text highlight color)