Grodno District Archives, Grodno:
Books, Publications and Articles Freia Anders, Hauke-Hendrik Kutcher und Katrin Stoll - Bialystok in Bielefeld -Verlag fur Regionalgeschichte, Bielefeld, 2003 Chasia Bornstein Bielicki, One of the few (Hebrew). Tel Aviv : Moreshet Publishing House, 2003 Alexandre Blumstein (The Library of Holocaust Testimonies), A Little House on Mount Carmel. Portland, OR: Valentine Mitchell, 2002; Amazon and Alibris
Felix Zandman, Never the Last Journey, New York, 1995.
(List of Dr. Zandman's book - editions in different languages)
Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust, edited by Yisrael
Gutman, LondonNew
York, 1990, pp. 619-621.
New York Public Library - Grodno Yizkor book online (scroll alphabetical list of towns and click "Grodno") Abraham Estin online a novel based on interviews with survivors (French) Harold Gordon The Last Sunrise Daniel Klovsky The Road from Grodno Leib Reizer In the Struggle: Memoirs from Grodno and the Forests Marina Shepelevitch, ( Russian, "The Course of a Girl from Grodno: one more case of elevation.") YurSalPrint, Grodno 2015 Eliyahu Gozanski Grodne (Yiddish, Hamol 1945) (Translation to Hebrew . The Communist Party of Israel, 1975)
Bronia Klibanski, The Underground Archives of the Bialystok
Founded by Mersik and Tenenbaum, Yad Vashem Studies, vol. 2,
1958. Mordecai Tenenbaum, Leaves from the Conflagration (Hebrew), Tel Aviv, 1947. Shimon Dubnow (ed.), Pinkas Medinat Lita (Hebrew the
of the Meetings of the Jewish Council in the Grand Duchy of
Berlin, 1925. Tikva Fatal-Knaani, Grodno is not the same (Hebrew) (Published by Yad vaShem, # 18488, Hebrew, Jerusalem, 2001).Jewish community of Grodno, 1939 - 1943. Gregori Tsevi Abrams, Tikvot le-yamim tovim (Published by: Shtainhart-Katsir, Tel-Aviv, 1995, Hebrew) Jewish family during WW 2 in Grodno and in Russia. English translation pending.
Grodner Moment (Yiddish), Grodno, 1924-1926, 1927-1938. Contents pages of "Grodner Opklangen" (Yiddish) in PDF (6meg), Buenos Aires, 26 issues, 1948 - 1980, Yad va Shem Library (library@yadvashem.org.il)
Memorial Event - Organized by Center .Mi-Yerushalaim L-Lita., December 24, 2013: in memory of the late Grisha (Zvi) Chosid, who was guiding in Grodno visitors from Israel ![]() Plaque commemorating the Grodno Ghetto, unveiled on March 12, 1991 Home |